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2015 年第 5 期


No.5, 2015

( 第 36 卷总第 171 期)

Guizhou Ethnic Studies

( Vol.36.General.No.171)



(包头师范学院,内蒙古·包头 014030;中国社会科学院 研究生院,北京 102488)

摘 要: “没有复盛公, 就没有包头城”, 这一民谚流行于内蒙古西部地区, 反映了走西口移民运动对包头形成发展 的重要影响。 包头是典型的移民城市, 走西口移民构成如今包头人口的基础, 并以蒙汉交往为主体, 不断融入其他民族, 形成了有地区特色的包头民族关系。 回溯走西口的历史进程及对当时民族关系的影响, 梳理走西口视域下包头市的形成脉 络, 把握包头民族关系的嬗变, 对于做好新时期城市民族工作具有重要的现实意义。

关键词: 走西口; 内蒙古; 包头市; 民族关系

中图分类号: C956.26 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1002-6959 (2015) 05-0011-04

The Evolution and Revelation on the Ethnic Relations of Baotou City in Inner Mongolia from the Perspective of Zouxikou

WANG Huan-fang

(Baotou Teachers’ University, Baotou, Neimenggu 014030, China; Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing 102488, China)

Abstract: “No Fu sheng male, no Baotou city”, the proverb is popular in the western region of Inner Mongolia, which reflects the important role of Zouxikou on the formation and development of Baotou city. Baotou is a typical immigration city, the immigrations through Zouxikou have been the main population in Baotou city, and with the

companionship between the Mongolian and Han people, continuously integrates into the other ethnics, the ethnic relations

has been formed in Baotou city with regional characteristics. So, it has practical significance to go back the historical

process of Zouxikou and the influence on the ethnic relations, to comb the formation of choroid in Baotou city, to grasp the evolution and revelation on the ethnic relations of Baotou city and do well in the urban ethnic work in the new period.

Key words: Zouxikou, Inner Mongolia, Baotou city, Ethnic relations

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